fons menú

Kitchen, opening hours and reservations

Enjoy our seasonal and mountain cuisine based on Catalan cuisine with a signature touch to make it unique. We always work with local and proximity products.
If you suffer from any intolerance or allergy, we will provide you with a proposal tailored to your needs.

Lunch from Wednesday to Sunday
Dinners on Fridays and Saturdays
Celebrations and events with prior reservation

hola @

Kitchen, opening hours and reservations

Give Abbatissa as a gift

Give Abbatissa as a gift

Meal gift cards for two people of €40 and €80. Order your card and give the gift of pleasure for all the senses!

Call 872 208 678

Ermita de Sant Antoni, Carretera GI-521
Sant Joan de les Abadesses. 17860

hola @
Telephone: 872 208 678
Telephone: 691 969 359
Establishment registered in the Catalan Tourism Registry HG-005026-69

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We are a social economy project of the Fundació MAP